Tuesday, January 7, 2014

13 In '13

This is one of those cheesy "13 things I learned in 2013" posts. I know its cliché, but I really did learn a lot of things this past year. 2013 gave me some of the best moments of my life, but there were also some hard learned lessons.

1. Makeup does not equal beauty.
2. Stick to your morals.
3. Gods timing is ALWAYS perfect.
4. There is more to the world than Springfield, Missouri.
5. Life goes on after high school.
6. Finding a core group of friends is important.
7. Find a place of rest, and visit it frequently.
8. Singleness is not a disease, and convenient relationships are not the cure.
9. Spiritual community is essential to a walk with Christ.
10. Home is not a place.
11. Always have a nice dress on hand.
12. Packing is a skill worth developing.
13. Jesus is the ONLY thing you will ever need.

I hope 2013 was a great year for you, but here's to hoping that 2014 is the best one yet!

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