Thursday, November 28, 2013


Instead of obnoxiously posting what I'm thankful for on Facebook each day, I'm just going to post an obnoxiously long blog post. 

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. The Lord has taught me so much and blessed me so greatly in the past year. 

Things I'm thankful for include:

-A Savior who died for my sins and rose for my soul
-Family that is crazy but awesome
-Friends that are willing to laugh, cry, and live life with me
-Friends in different states
-A church family that unashamedly preaches the truth and challenges me in my faith 
-A house that provides shelter 
-A closet full of clothes 
-A truck that gets me where I need to go 
-A job that I like
-Coworkers that I love
-An education 
-Clean water
-Plenty of food 
-Savings accounts

The last year of my life has been filled with ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I am eternally thankful for the people who invest in me and teach me to be a strong woman of Christ. 

If you're reading this, I am thankful for YOU, yes you. Have a blessed Thanksgiving, and tell someone how thankful you are for them today. 

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