Wednesday, September 4, 2013


There has been a lot of newness in my life lately.

New school, new friends, new small group, etc.

College is all about newness, so I figured why not start a new blog to chronicle all the newness?

I'm hoping to use this as a place to keep all of my sporadic spiritual thoughts, humorous stories (I'm sure there will be plenty), and random collegiate ramblings.

So, for my first post, I decided to share my (and Jesus') thoughts on all things new.

I used to have a crippling fear of change, but a deep desire for something new. Those two things don't coexist very well. I wanted desperately a new adventure or conquest, but anytime something in my world shifted, I ran. I ran and hid and said, "But God, I really like my boring, safe little life."

Then about six months ago, when I was prepping for a mission trip to Italy, I came across this verse:

19 "For I am about to do something new.
    See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
    I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." -Isaiah 43:19

Well then. Talk about a slap in the face. 

See, my boring, safe little life was not glorifying to God. My complacency was holding me back from living out Gods call on my life. 

Change is a natural part of life, and we as followers of Christ should not only recognize that but boldly embrace it. Jesus doesn't call us to "stay" and make disciples, He calls us to "go". When change occurs, we are pulled out of our comfort zone, and that's where the Lord tends to work the most in us and through us. 

Now when change comes, I don't run and hide. I stand before the King and say, "I'm ready for whatever opportunities are before me. Use me." 

The next time change starts to happen in your life, will you run away, or will you embrace it and realize that it's there for a reason?

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