Tuesday, April 29, 2014

| Forest |

This semester it's been hard for me to see the forest because of all the trees. 

I'm a very detail-oriented person, though you couldn't tell by the state of my bedroom, and it's easy for me to get caught up in the "duties" of life. 

School, homework, work, church, friends, boyfriend, moving out, etc. 

All of these things can quickly become burdens for me. I let the details guide the big picture instead of letting the big picture guide the details. 

"If I don't do my homework then I'll get a bad grade. If I get a bad grade, I'll fail college. If I fail college, I'll never be able to support myself. If I can't support myself, then I'll die."

Maybe that's a little over-dramatic, but it's a very real way that my brain processes details. 

Instead, I should be asking "what is the bigger picture for my life?"

The answer?

Bringing glory to Christ. 

I want to start letting that goal determine how I handle my details. What good does a college degree do for me if I am not displaying my love for Jesus? Nothing. 

"If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:3 ESV)

The bigger picture cannot exist without the details of course, but a tree cannot stand alone and claim to be part of a forest. 

This summer I want to let the details be handled by the biproduct of the glorification of Christ. 

Love people. Love Jesus. Love the big picture.