Monday, December 16, 2013


Well, I'm officially done with my first semester of college! Its weird to think about how fast the past few months have flown by. There have been rough patches, but also some of the best moments of my life so far. The actual school part of this first semester wasn't difficult, but lots of things change when you start college.

I have always been deeply involved in my church's student ministry, so moving to the college group was a little nerve-wracking. Little did I know that in that group I would find some amazing, lifelong friends. They love me and support me every time we talk. The college pastors parents have a Bible study type meeting at their house every Sunday night, and it has made a huge impact on my faith. I always leave with a deeper understanding of who God is and how He is moving in the world right nos. It's been such a blessing to dig in to the Word with people going through the same parts of life as I am.

The Lord has been moving in my heart in a big way, and has provided an amazing opportunity for ministry on my own campus. At the beginning of the semester my friend, Hannah, contacted me about a campus ministry branch that she was starting. I have known Hannah since about the fifth grade, but hadn't seen her in almost four years, so when she called me and asked me to help, I was excited. Chi Alpha is a huge campus ministry all over the United States, and Hannah was starting a chapter on our campus. Because of my work schedule, I wasn't able to attend the meetings as often as I wanted, but Hannah and I were able to meet up a few times over the course of the semester and just talk about life. I LOVE seeing the work that the Lord is doing in and through her. She is transferring schools for the spring semester, and she asked me to take over Chi Alpha. While I was nervous at first, I am so excited for this opportunity. I know that God is going  to stretch me and challenge me in big ways through this ministry, but I'm ready and willing to see what He has in store.

Finally, I have learned the power and the importance of prayer. Being able to lift others up to the Lord in prayer I incredible, and knowing that others are doing the same for you is so impactful. I would love for you to join me in praying for a few things...

-Our student pastor, Joe, had his colon removed this past week, and it was a pretty extensive surgery. He has had a rough few days lately, but seems to be on the mend. Will you  pray for continued healing for him, as well as for peace for his wife RenĂ©e and their kids?

-My church is currently seeking a new senior pastor. Our current, and founding, senior pastor will retire in August of this next year. Please pray for the Lord to bring the right candidate to our search committee, and that they would be playful and discerning in making this decision.

Have a Merry Christmas!